A Better Philippines

His excellency
Rodrigo Roa Duterte
President- Republic of the Philippines
Malacañang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,

     First of all, good day to you Mr. President. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the good things you have done to our country, the Philippines since you became our president. Thank you for having the determination to this war on drugs, because we all know that these illegal drugs is one of the most committed crime. And stopping so many people to ruin other people's lives. Sure there were many bumps on the road but I still support you. Since your reign as president, crime rate in Manila have dropped down by 38%, you sure have made your mark. There are still so many to thank you.

     As a student, I fully support this war on drugs but nowadays people don't learn. They already know what you can do but they still continue doing it. But for me, I would like you to have the same concentration you have against drugs on improving our economy. As we all know, the Philippines has a low economy that's why almost 11 million filipinos are considered to be "poor". The housing and free education is a wonderful start. If you continue this process, the Philippines will be developed and our economy will be high by the end of your term.

     That is all i have to say. Keep up the good work sir, keep this pace up and I can already imagine a better Philippines. Again, have a good day sir.

Respectfully yours,
Lennard Andrei Ambida


  1. I hope Mr. president will notice your letter! ang gandaaaa!


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