"Coming together with those furthest behind build an inclusive world of universal rights and dignity"

     One of the major problems of the United Nations is "extreme poverty". Poverty is spread out all around the world. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of Human Rights. "Wherever men is condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty", said Joseph Wresinski, one of the first persons to connect the dots between Human rights and Poverty.

     If you are rich, you get all the attention, the right kind of attention but if you are poor, you also attract attention, just not the right one. Due to poverty,  Human rights is not applicable to poor people. For example, poor people gets teased a lot because of their status or worse, they hurt them not verbally but physically. Like the theme states, "coming together with those furthest behind" means helping the needy ones and the last part states that by helping the ones that are less fortunate, we can build a new and better world.
    To summarize it all, you should be contented for what you have and not ask for more. Because our parents are working hard to give us what they didn't have. Be grateful. While others are working really hard just to have it.

REFERENCE: https://www.un.org/development/desa/socialperspectiveondevelopment/international-day-for-the-eradication-of-poverty-homepage/2018-2.html


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