Equality is the Way

     Who usually suffers from inequality? Is it the women? Yes but who else? Right the ones that are black and the LGBTQ Community. These are the people that don't receive the same treatment our society gives to others. They are the ones that are not given the so called "equal rights and opportunities".

     This generation, it is about your color and sexuality. If you have different sexuality, for sure inequality, discrimination are some of the things you will suffer. Even though they didn't do anything they will be teased, they will laugh at them. This has to stop, remember the LQBTQ Community gives color to our world, for me at least. If it weren't for those gay comedians our life would be boring. Yes there are make comedians but they are not as entertaining as the gay ones. That's just one example of many.

     If you are black, they always judge you so easily. Getting teased, discriminated, not given the same opportunity as others and being treated like slaves are the treatment they get. It has to stop, they, like all of us have different talents, strengths and capabilities. We should give them a chance to prove themselves  and give them  opportunities to change their lives.

     In general, equality and opportunity will change everyone's lives, not just us but also our world will also change. Imagine, the LGBTQ Community can live, socialize without hiding their true selves. Everybody, men, women including blacks work in harmony. Now that's a world I can live in.


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