The More You Know

     The life of a student is no joke. We all know that, because after waking up either he/she makes some requirements or reviews then more or less 8 hours at school then another set of requirements after school. Same schedule five days a week. But it is fun, specially if the subject is ICT. Our topic for the first quarter took my attention, its all about blogging. Let me tell you more.

     At first I thought that blogging was boring and it is only for the "nerdy" ones and for the ones that are good in writing. But when I actually tried it, it was a lot of  fun. Blogging has a lot of advantages really. One advantage is that you can enhance your writing skills, blogging is good for the good writers but it is better for those you have a knowledge but its not enough. Through continuous blogging, you can refine your writing skills. Through blogging, you can actually help other people by sharing your knowledge and ideas. And that is another advantage. One more advantage is that you can communicate with others through the comment section below.

     Because it is my first time blogging, I had some difficulties starting my blog. There are still many more things to do before you can publish, like choosing your theme and many more. Then comes the hard part, writing and publishing. Since I am not a good writer, I cannot publish a good blog but as time goes by I'm sure I will publish a good one.

     Luckily, I overcame this adversities through hardwork and determination. In the end, blogging is not such a boring thing to do after all. It can give you a lot of benefits. Instead of surfing the net all day, why not start blogging. The more you know, the more you'll give.
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