Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements

     The science month celebration is held every September of each year. The theme for this year's science month is, "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements". The celebration for this event is mandated by the Presidential Proclamation No. 264. This event aims to encourage the youth to engage in scientific activites, protect our environment and many more science related activities. Now, this year's theme give importance about one of Michael Faraday's important discoveries.
This year, it gives importance about Faraday's discovery about "electromagnetism", which now play a big role in technological advancements. Because of his discovery, it has changed the world, it made living easier. For example, because of electromagnetism, entertainment is advanced, it made radios, televisions and many more. Because of electromagnetism, cellphones were upgraded and made communications easier.
  For me, this discovery is very important because its one of those discoveries that helped not only people but the world. Because of this, it upgraded technologies which we use to live. It helps the economy of a country to rise. It truly has changed the world. That's why it is so important
 In conclusion, we, as the new generation should give importance to this technologies and to be inspired to discover something that can change the world in a good way, something that can save our mother nature from dying. It is our time, the simplest act can mean the most. Start now.


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