Filipino Resiliency

     Most people say, Filipinos are resilient. But what is resilience? Resilience is the ability to become strong, healthy or successful again after something bad happens, or the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been altered. Now, with that definition, I truly believe that saying not because I'm a Filipino but because it is a part of human culture especially us Filipinos.

     The resiliency of Filipinos are put to test through disasters we face from time to time. Most of the disasters are strong typhoons. The Philippines faces at least 30 typhoons every year and surprisingly we conquered them all. But some has made their mark or struck fear in every Filipino hearts, the typhoons "Yolanda". 4 years ago, "Bagyong Yolanda" entered the Philippine Ares of Responsibility (PAR) and took the lives of more than 5,000. After the disaster, we were left devastated but as time passed by, we started rebuilding our structures, not just buildings also our lives. In this time, we don't need someone instead we need everyone to help each other because in the end, we are all the children of God. We have to look for each other. Like the saying goes, " No man is an island." Each and everyone of us needs the help of others to live.

     In the end, I believe that resilience is the finished product of the filipino term " bayanihan" . Because in bayanihan, there is unity and cooperation of everyone. Which is needed in time of disasters like this. That's why Filipinos are considered to be resilient.
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