My goal is to finish school and graduate Engineering and become successful in life while my dream is to give my parents, siblings and my own family a life that they deserve. And i will do everything and do my best to make it my future. 

     My dream is to give them my everything and give my parents everything they deserve and to give back for all the sacrifices they made just for me to reach my dream, and for my own family? I will try and give them everything I never had because I know the pain of not getting what you want but don't get me wrong I'm not complaining. My dream is to give them the best life possible, not much but still happy. And like I said, I will do everything to make that dream my future. Right now,  all i can do to make that a reality is to study hard and take every problem not as a burden but as a lesson in life which will come handy soon enough. I want to gather life lessons as much as i can right now and become more independent as a practice for the future. 

     That is my dream, not only for me but for my whole family because they deserve cuz' they are the best. They support me in everything I want to do, give me lessons etc. And for that I want to give back to them that's why I need to achieve that dream.


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