Healthy Living, Start Now

Image result for farmers harvesting
     As the theme of this year's Nutrition Month suggests, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin." It states that make planting a habit and enough nutrition will be harvested. With enough nutrition, we make our body healthy and maintain it. But is nutrition enough?

     For me, nutrition is not enough to keep the body healthy. The body also needs exercise to make it healthy and at the same time, fit. But we are not going to talk about that, we'll be focusing on the theme. We should not waste the vegetables we don't like because farmers all around the country have worked really hard to plant, grow and harvest those vegetables. They work hard not just to support their families but to also provide for our health. We all know vegetables are healthy and contains a lot of nutrients which is beneficial to the body. So why are we wasting them, not just those vegetables but also the efforts of the farmers.

     All I can say is, we should be contented on what we have and never waste it. We should eat healthy and avoid bad ones that destroy our body. Sure the bad ones are delicious but resist the temptation and think of your health. Remember, Eat healthy, Be healthy, Stay healthy.
Image result for NUTRITION MONTH LOGO 2018



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